Industry Partnership Enquiries
Stablecoin Standard issuer member application form v.1.5
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Your position *
Company name *
Jurisdiction (where are you registered/regulated/licensed to operate) *
Are you or do you need to be regulated / licensed? Please provide details *
Which best describes your industry? *
Expanding on the above, what product or services do you offer? *
When was your product / service established? *
What interests you about partnering with Stablecoin Standard? *
Name and contact details of appointed main contact for Stablecoin Standard at your organisation (if same as completed this form please say so) *
Disclaimer acknowledgement: Stablecoin Standard is a means of connecting global stablecoins as a working group, run currently by volunteer stablecoin projects and currently only asks issuer members to self certify whilst we build / outsource a compliance solution with a regulatory reporting partner and implement the StableCheckmark scheme. Due diligence must be undertaken between parties independently before transacting. By joining you agree that you must undertake your own due diligence on projects in this collective and that those running Stablecoin Standard bear no responsibility.  *
Name of person who referred you to Stablecoin Standard, along with their company info and linkedin /twitter profile *
To the best of your knowledge, the information contained in your responses is true and accurate as of the time of submission. You understand that if it transpires that the information contained herewith is deemed incorrect or false, then we reserve the right to remove you from the organisation with no refund of dues. *
I confirm that I am happy to be contacted about Stablecoin Standard related news. We do not shared your data with anyone else. *
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