Have Your Say Aberfeldy - local ideas for climate action and living well.
Thank you for scanning our QR code. Below are project proposals which address climate action and living well in Aberfeldy. These will be put forward for funding later in the year and are based on what people in Aberfeldy have told us about the local area. Please read the project descriptions below and vote for your top three most preferred projects at the bottom of this page. Thank you for participating.
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EcoHub - A Community Space to Empower Aberfeldy Towards a Sustainable Future

Project description:

Welcome to the Aberfeldy EcoHub, your center for a greener future. Our community hub brings together resources, support, and collaboration all in one place. Here's what you will find at the Aberfeldy EcoHub:

  1. Information and Support for residents and businesses: Get the facts on energy efficiency and climate change, as well as demonstrations of materials and technologies to help you make informed choices and take action.
  2. Library of Useful Things: Borrow tools and items from our library. It's a way to save money, reduce waste, and make the most of what we already have. Let's share and support each other.
  3. Learning and Repair Space: Expand your knowledge and skills. Attend workshops and learn how to live sustainably. We also have a space where you can fix and give new life to your belongings.
  4. Delivery hub for residents and businesses with e-cargo bikes available for you to take your goods the final mile home.
  5. Multi-generational warm space, promoting interaction and building relationships to help foster a greater sense of community cohesion.
  6. Co-working space, providing a productive environment for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses - reducing the need to travel
  7. Community solar: If site suitable, we will develop a community energy and solar scheme on the hub's roof harnesses clean energy, contributing to Aberfeldy's sustainable power generation

  • Category: Home, Living Well, Local Businesses and Getting Around. 
  • Barrier addressing: Confusion about where to go for advice,  community cohesion, lack of workspace, limited repair space.
  • Net zero benefits: High .
  • Wider co-benefits: Community cohesion, Skills development, Reduction in bills, Community investment opportunity, Opportunities for business connections, Promotion of a circular economy.  
  • Indicative cost: £300-500k.

Revitalise Homes - Empowering Energy-Efficient Retrofitting Through Collective Procurement
Project description:

Introducing "Revitalise Homes", which is an innovative programme designed to create a streamlined process for energy efficiency retrofitting and solar panel installations for homes and businesses in Aberfeldy and potentially across the wider Perth & Kinross area. We believe that by working together and leveraging  collective procurement, we can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing and delivering retrofit materials, thereby making sustainable home improvements accessible to all.  The project will focus on:
  1. Developing a bulk procurement process which will harness the power of bulk purchases for high-quality retrofit materials; heat pump and/or solar panel installations.
  2. Provide technical support and signpost resources to connect homeowners with reputable suppliers, contractors, and energy experts to make informed decisions that align with their needs and budgets.
  3. Training and development for local businesses and workers to help build their capacity to bid for and deliver on these projects.
  4. Collective technical support to assist with planning applications for those within the central conservation areas.

  • Category: Home.
  • Barrier addressing: Cost of Action, Technical know-how, Planning permission.
  • Net zero benefits: Medium.
  • Wider co-benefits: Cost savings, Employment and skills.
  • Indicative cost: £150-200k.

Improving Regional Transport - Advancing Regional Travel For All

Project description:

Introducing "Improving Regional Transport" an ambitious project to improve public transport connecting Aberfeldy with the wider region.  It aims to enhance the public transport frequency and speed, align bus timetables with resident and tourist demand and support demand response transport to help reduce car dependency.  Specifically our project will look at:

  1. Develop an express bus route between Aberfeldy, Dunkeld Railway Station and Perth to enhance convenience for residents, tourists, and train commuters that aligns with key start/finish times needed by workers.
  2. Timetable optimisation - Undertake research and engagement with the community to identify the needs and preferences of residents and work with transport providers to explore aligning bus services.
  3. Provision of a new electric mini-bus to enhance community transport options between Aberfeldy and the Upper Tay region.
  4. Reinstate the Breadalbane Circular bus to improve Aberfeldy connections for both residents and tourists
  5. Work with the NHS and others to explore how it might be possible to better align appointments with public transport availability
  • Category: Getting Around.
  • Barrier addressing: Length of journey, incompatibility of journey times with user demand. 
  • Net zero benefits: Medium-High.
  • Wider co-benefits: cleaner air; reduced car dependence, cost savings local employment, economic growth.
  • Indicative cost: £700-900k.

MoveWell - Empowering Active Travel for a Vibrant Aberfeldy

Project description: 

Welcome to MoveWell, an exciting initiative dedicated to promoting active travel and transforming how we get around our local area. With a focus on walking and cycling, MoveWell offers a range of programmes and infrastructure to encourage a healthier, greener, and more connected community.

  1. Improve Active Transport to schools: Through collaborative efforts with schools, MoveWell develops and implements an active travel program that inspires and supports students to embrace walking, scooting and cycling as a preferred mode of transportation. We will work closely with educational institutions to establish safe routes, develop school cycling trains, and provide the necessary infrastructure to enhance the active travel experience.
  2. Actively promote walking and cycling routes to residents and visitors, highlighting the numerous benefits of these sustainable modes of transportation. This will include mapping walking paths and providing comprehensive information on the advantages of active travel.

  • Category: Getting Around.
  • Barrier addressing: Safety of active travel routes, Limited uptake.
  • Net zero benefits: Low-Medium.
  • Wider co-benefits: Healthy lifestyles, Improved safety, Cost savings, Improved educational outcomes.
  • Indicative cost: £30-50k.

SustainProcure - Uniting Businesses for Local Food Resilience
Project description:

SustainProcure is an innovative collective of businesses in Aberfeldy dedicated to cultivating a vibrant and sustainable local food network. We prioritise supporting local farmers and producers by facilitating direct connections between businesses and local suppliers. By promoting the purchase of fresh, locally sourced food, we strengthen the regional economy and reduce carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation.

  1. Collaboration is at the core of SustainProcure. Participating businesses share resources like surplus food and land through our platform, minimising waste and fostering community responsibility.
  2. We also facilitate land-sharing arrangements, enabling businesses to cultivate produce or collaborate with local growers to increase access to fresh, sustainable food.
  3. SustainProcure operates a central delivery space to streamline distribution. This consolidation hub empowers businesses to leverage collective purchasing power, obtaining bulk quantities of locally produced goods at competitive prices. By optimising logistics, we reduce individual deliveries, lowering carbon emissions and creating a more efficient supply chain.
  4. By exploring a potential partnership with Stagecoach, we would seek to leverage their infrastructure and expertise to facilitate eco-friendly and efficient deliveries, connecting producers, businesses, and the community.

  • Category: Local business.
  • Barrier addressing: Food security, high procurement costs.
  • Net zero benefits: Low.
  • Wider co-benefits: Promotion of healthier food, Promotion of local food, Local employment. Economic growth, Improved viability of local businesses
  • Indicative cost: £215-330K (cost breakdown below).

Introduce climate friendly diet labeling on menus. £15-30k. Develop 'Made in Breadalbane' brand to promote local businesses. £50-100k. Consolidating deliveries, promoting local procurement, and supporting sustainable practices. Central collection space with low emissions options and aligned opening hours with public transport. £150-200k.

EcoWheels - Empowering Sustainable Mobility through Local Car Share
Project description:

Welcome to EcoWheels, a pioneering initiative to transform how we commute and promote sustainable transportation options in Aberfeldy. We focus on developing a local car-share program that encourages using electric vehicles (EVs), promotes lift-sharing, and expands residents' involvement in peer-to-peer car rental platforms.

  1. EcoWheels is committed to creating an accessible and affordable EV car club for Aberfeldy residents and tourists. By providing convenient access to shared electric vehicles, we aim to reduce the reliance on individual car ownership, leading to fewer cars on the road and decreased carbon emissions.
  2. In addition to the EV car club, EcoWheels actively promotes lift-sharing programs to maximise travel efficiency. By encouraging residents to share rides, we reduce traffic congestion and foster a sense of community and collaboration. To expand sustainable mobility options further, we encourage residents' involvement in peer-to-peer car rentals platforms such as HiYA and TURO thus enabling individuals to monetise their idle vehicles.
  3. By embracing EcoWheels, you contribute to many co-benefits beyond sustainability. Our program offers participants cost savings and revenue-generating opportunities, making transportation more affordable and financially rewarding. Furthermore, promoting EVs and reducing reliance on fossil fuel vehicles leads to improved air quality, creating a healthier environment for everyone in Aberfeldy.

  • Category: Getting Around.
  • Barrier addressing: Affordability of electric vehicles.
  • Net zero benefits: Low to medium.
  • Wider co-benefits: Cost savings and revenue generating opportunities, improved air quality, increased accessibility.
  • Indicative cost: £50-200k dependent on whether cars are owned or leased.

FoodShare Plus - Strengthening Community, Reducing Food Waste
Project description: 

Welcome to FoodShare Plus, an initiative seeking to make a significant impact by reducing food waste and alleviating food poverty in Aberfeldy. We are working towards a more sustainable and equitable food system in collaboration with potential partners including the Breadalbane Community Larder, The Heathiest Town Initiative, Feldy Roo, the Co-op and the Birks Cinema.

  1. Exisiting initiatives in Aberfeldy have been successfully rescuing food that is nearing its Best Before or Use By date from local businesses. However, there is even more potential to expand the impact of exisiting projects.
  2.  Through FoodShare Plus, we aim to engage more businesses in donating their leftover food or short dated stock, further increasing the availability of nutritious food for community members. By redirecting this surplus food to those who can benefit from it, we reduce food waste and reduce food poverty in Aberfeldy.
  3. This collaborative effort ensures that edible items are diverted from landfill or long-distance transportation to bio digesters, reducing carbon emissions and supporting a more sustainable waste management approach.
  4. FoodShare Plus is more than a project—it's a collective effort to build a resilient and compassionate community. Through our ongoing collaborations, we aim to create a food system where surplus food finds its way to those who most need it. By tackling food waste and food poverty simultaneously, we foster a more sustainable and equitable future for Aberfeldy.

  • Category: Living well locally.
  • Barrier addressing: Food security, Food waste, Improved health.
  • Net zero benefits: Low.
  • Wider co-benefits: Reduction in food waste, Reduction in food poverty.
  • Indicative cost: £20-30k.

Community Harvest - Nurturing Food Security and Biodiversity Through Shared Land
Project description:

Community Harvest is a grassroots initiative dedicated to transforming Aberfeldy into a vibrant tapestry of edible landscapes and flourishing ecosystems. Utilising common land and public spaces as thriving gardens, we foster neighbourly collaboration and support local food resilience.

  1. Imagine strolling through parks, squares, and designated areas teeming with edible plants, flowers, and herbs - inviting spaces that nourish the body and sense of connection to nature.
  2. Through our shared gardens, neighbours unite to sow, nurture, harvest and conserve various fruits, vegetables, and herbs, promoting individual health and environmental well-being. By reducing the need for food transportation, we positively impact the environment by decreasing carbon emissions and saving valuable fuel.
  3. This project is not just about food; it's about fostering community ties and a sense of belonging. Our shared gardens become vibrant gathering spaces where neighbours connect, share knowledge, and form lasting friendships.
  4. We also recognise the importance of preserving biodiversity, creating captivating pockets of wildflower habitats that support pollinators and native flora throughout Aberfeldy.
  5. As part of our commitment to community empowerment, we facilitate a garden share scheme, connecting individuals with available garden spaces and fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for shared gardening experiences.

  • Category: Living well locally.
  • Barrier addressing: Food security, Social isolation, Community wealth building, Biodiversity loss, Health.
  • Net zero benefits: Low.
  • Wider co-benefits: Increased sense of community and place, improved mental and physical health, reduced food transportation emissions, and preservation of biodiversity.
  • Indicative cost: £30-40k.

What is your most preferred project to be implemented in Aberfeldy? (your top choice) *
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What is your third most preferred project to be implemented in Aberfeldy? *
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