ACRL DVC Membership Survey - Fall 2022
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter Membership Survey! We appreciate your time, and most of all, we're excited to hear your opinions on how we can help make this organization as beneficial and inspiring to you as possible. The six questions below are focused on communication, events and programming, and support for professional development in the library field. 

We look forward to seeing you at the annual Membership Meeting on Friday, November 11 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm. The format of the meeting is a Town Hall, so please come prepared to elaborate on the opinions you share with us here, bring up other comments or suggestions, or just say hi to both new and returning ACRL DVC Board members. We will also be introducing the 2022-2023 Guiding Questions, which can be found here:

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Angela Perkins
President, ACRL DVC 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How would you prefer to be contacted/hear about ACRL DVC events and chapter business?
 ACRL DVC is reviving our Mentorship Program. Are you interested in having a mentor?
If you were to be matched with a librarian mentor, what areas of mentorship would you be interested in?
 Would you be interested in becoming a librarian mentor in the Mentorship Program?
What type of events would you like ACRL DVC to offer for the upcoming Spring 2023 Program, as well as future events? Please feel free to offer anything from broad topics to specific ideas.

We have offered grants and stipends such as the
Professional Development Travel Grant, and the Student Stipend program. Are there other ways that ACRL DVC can steer this type of support that would be beneficial to you as a library professional?

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