Tag Year 7 and 8 Zone Day - Expression of Interest
5th February 2021

Please complete the following form if your child is interested in representing AJHS in the North Harbour Intermediate School (Year 7 and 8) Tag Zone Day.

Details of the Zone Day are below:

DATE: Thursday 11th March 2021

Further details to be advised

Expression of Interest closes - Monday 15th February

PLEASE NOTE: Completing this expression of interest form does not guarantee a student will be selected for a zone day. Trials may be necessary and students will be advised of details if trials are required.

For this zone day we will require coaching assistance from parents/caregivers so please indicate if you are able to assist.

If you have any queries regarding this event, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Jo Monkton
Sports Coordinator

Email: jo.monkton@ajhs.school.nz
Phone: 09 415 5473 extn: 605
Mobile: 021 554 035

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