Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library (FOL) Membership and Donation Registration
This form is for prospective members who would like to make their donation online, transaction completed by Square. If preferred, cash donations can be made and paper forms filled out at the Library's main desk or at any FOL book sale or other event.  Membership levels based on donation can be found below.  

Online donations are accepted via Square, using this link. Remember, the Library's Main Desk or book sale cashiers can handle cash donations, which should be accompanied by the paper applications available onsite.

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Information about FOL
FOL is an independent, all-volunteer community organization begun in 1959 to contribute to the cultural environment of Oak Ridge and surrounding communities through support of the Oak Ridge Public Library.  FOL sponsors the Children's Summer Program, holds a monthly Book Discussion Group and occasional book signings by local authors, provides funds for special publications, equipment, and supplies not covered by the Library's budget, and performs other services requested by the Library Director.  Funds are raised through memberships, the sale of books and other publications, and donations. In addition to supporting these activities, membership provides free admission on the Members Only Book Sale evenings.  FOL is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mailing list is not provided to third parties. [022723rev] 
Name for membership *
Street Address (example: 123 Main Street) 
Email Address
Phone Number 
Applying for:  *
If this is a gift membership, you may list the gift giver's name. If not, please proceed to the next question. 
Membership level:  *
How did you hear about us?  (please select all that apply) *
To continue providing support to the library, FOL needs your help.  Please check the volunteer opportunities for which we may contact you.  
Next Step
Thank you very much for becoming a member of the Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library (FOL).  If you haven't yet visited our Square site to process your donation, please access it here. Once donation and form are verified, membership will be confirmed via email with membership packet to follow via postal mail. Email confirmation of membership may not be received for up to one week. 
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