September 21, 2024 Unitarian Memorial Church Wedding/Event Expo Interest Form
Hello! We are planning our first annual Wedding Expo here in our gorgeous Gothic cathedral! We are inviting vendors to let us know of their interest and potential partnerships. Please fill out this form and keep an eye out for an invitation to partner with us further! 
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Business Owner(s)'s Name  *
Business Name *
Business Contact Info *
Business Website
What services does you business offer? *
In what ways might you be willing to partner/participate in this event? 

Cost: We asking all vendors at this stage please choose 1 of the following options: 1. provide an item for the raffle table (valued at $25+), 2. provide a coupon for all attendees' gift bags or 3. pay a $75 table fee. 

Please note, there is a selection process for all vendors to ensure quality and due to the limited amount of space. We anticipate accommodating 15-20 vendors.

Bonus! Unitarian Memorial Church will be offering all selected vendors' clients a reduced rate on their 2025-2027 wedding bookings with us! 

The Unitarian Memorial Church is home to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven, an active Unitarian Universalist church. While vendors need not be UUs themselves, we would like to partner with vendors that affirm the love of all folks; we celebrate LGBTQ+ weddings and work to be anti-oppression and anti-racist. 

Are you an LGBTQ+ affirming vendor? Anything you'd like to add about your work or values?
Other questions? Comments? Ideas?
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