Dublin Supermarket Bike Parking Survey
Dear all,
We know that many of you are living your lives more locally these days and probably using local supermarkets more often than usual. We in Dublin Cycling Campaign want to find out about the quality of bike parking at these supermarkets.

The survey will establish a baseline, highlight areas for improvement, and guide supermarket management to invest in upgrading and enhancing their customers’ shopping experience.

Please fill in the survey below, which will only take 2-3 minutes, and if you can, send a photo of the relevant bike parking facilities to shopbybike@dublincycling.com or tweet the photo to @dublincycling.

If you visit several supermarkets, and want to give feedback on each, please complete the form separately for each supermarket.

Please pass the survey on to friends and promote on social media.
The survey will be open till 15th June and results will be communicated during the summer.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Examples of good and poor quality bike parking stands
1. Name of supermarket chain. *
2. Supermarket Location *
3. Were there any dedicated cycle parking facilities? *
4. If there was no dedicated bike parking where did you lock your bike? (Skip if not applicable.)
5. Approximately how far from the supermarket entrance were the closest bike parking facilities located? *
6. How many Sheffield Hoops? (See example at start of survey). *
7. How many wheel racks/wheel benders etc?  (See example at start of survey). *
8. How many racks for cargo bikes?  (See example at start of survey). *
9. Were the racks sheltered? (E.g. A dedicated shelter or under supermarket roof) *
10. Overall what was your judgement of the quantity, quality and location of the bike parking? *
10.a How would you rate cycling access to the supermarket? I.e. Getting from the main road to the bike parking facilities. *
11. How often do you take your bike to shop at supermarkets? *
12. If better quality bike parking was available, would you cycle to the supermarket more often? *
13. When deciding whether to cycle to the supermarket, what is the single biggest factor which influences your decision to cycle?
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14. Thinking about the past year, what best describes your cycling behaviour?
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15. What is your gender? *
16. Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? (Long-standing means anything that has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time).
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17. What is your age group? *
18. Are you a member of Dublin Cycling Campaign?
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19. Please use the space below to make any other comments or observations you think are relevant.
20. If you're happy for us to contact you with any follow-up questions about your survey, please enter your email address below:
Finally, and to help us thoroughly analyse supermarket cycle parking facilities, please take a photo of the relevant cycle parking stands and send it to us via email: shopbybike@dublincycling.com or tweet the photo to @dublincycling and use the hashtag #ShopByBikeDublin.
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