Bellingcat Online Training Workshop Survey
Due to the ongoing issues around COVID-19, there will likely be delays and possible cancellations to our upcoming digital research workshops. We are considering running online training courses teaching similar content at a similar (though likely lightly-discounted) cost, and a more flexible basis (e.g. a single day instead of full week). Please let us know what would interest you!

These trainings would be live workshops -- not downloadable or asynchronous.

You can edit your responses after submission, if you additional thoughts or comments. Answers are anonymized, and we have set the preferences on the survey to not collect email addresses of respondents.
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All things being equal - price, course content, length - would you prefer to attend an in-person or a live online training course?
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If there were thematic online courses  (i.e. lasting one day and focusing on one topic), which of these would you be interested in attending?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested
No way!
Introduction and survey of using OSINT in investigations
Locating, verifying, and using user-generated visual materials (e.g. photos, videos)
Using both traditional and emerging social networks
Researching individuals and groups
Tracking flights, naval vessels, and other transport methods
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Are there any topics that you would want to attend courses about that were not included in the previous question?
If you were to enroll in an online course, how long would you like it to be? (Note: Our open, paid workshops are five days, 40 hours in total)
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested
No way!
Five days (!40 hours)
Three days (~24 hours)
Two days (~16 hours)
Full day (~8 hours)
Half day (~4 hours)
Single presentation / set of exercises (~90 minutes - 2 hours)
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Do you anticipate that you would pay for this online training, or would your employer?
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We are still considering and experimenting with various platforms for running online workshops, such as GoToMeeting, Zoom, and others. Please let us know if you have any suggestions, or strong feedback (positive or negative) on any online training platforms you have experience with.
Please let us know if you have any general thoughts, suggestions, or comments about Bellingcat online workshops!
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