Digital Health Start-Up for the Pinoy LGBTQIA+ Community
Hi! I’m a trans male doctor (pre-gender affirming therapy) who is eyeing to set up a digital health platform geared towards our community. 

As a trans man pre-T/surgery living in the Philippines, I have had my fair share of discrimination and judgment while in the doctor’s clinic and healthcare institutions. I’ve been misgendered. I’ve felt anxious and apprehensive about opening up to my physician. In an informal crowdsourcing post on Reddit, it was reinforced that many of us share the same sentiments. That’s why I thought of this idea—a digital health gateway for you, my fellow brothers and sisters in the rainbow, to feel safe while consulting healthcare professionals in the comfort of your own private space. This means everyone undergoes SOGIESC sensitivity training.

Before I can do that, I need your help by telling me what you need and want in this potential service. Thank you!!
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1. What was your assigned sex at birth? *
2. What is your sexual orientation?

Homosexual - attracted to the same sex
Heterosexual - attracted to a different sex
Bisexual - attracted to males and females
Pansexual - attracted to all
Asexual - attracted to none
3. What is your gender identity? 

Cis - the gender you identify with matches the sex assigned to you at birth
Trans - the gender you identify with does NOT match the sex assigned to you at birth
4. How old are you? *
5. What is your monthly household income? *
6. Where do you currently live? *
7. What online medical services would you want/need? 

We will have training for staff on SOGIESC; so even those who are still in the closet are welcome to consult.
8. What medical/mental health service would you want that currently isn’t available in the Philippine market? *
9. What difficulties have you experienced, if any, when consulting healthcare workers? (e.g. misgendering, microaggressions, snide comments) *
10. Concerning #9, what was the response of the healthcare worker/facility if you raised the issue (e.g. misgendering, microaggressions, snide comments) during the consult? If none, what kind of response would you have preferred?
11. How much are you willing to pay for an online mental health session with a licensed psychologist?  *
12. How much are you willing to pay for an online medical consultation with a licensed primary care physician? (ie. handles the majority of medical cases and will refer to specialists as needed) *
13. How much are you willing to pay for an online medical consultation with a licensed specialist? (eg. infectious diseases, psychiatry, OB-GYN, endocrinology) *
14. Which type of service would you prefer, per consult basis or subscription basis? *
15. Are you willing to pay more for comprehensive packages/subscriptions?

(e.g. unlimited medical consults, 2-3 mental health check-ins per month)
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