2024美東淨宗學會親子夏令營報名表       Pure Land Buddhist Association Parent & Child Summer Camp Registration Form  
填表前請仔細閱讀說明。Please read carefully before registering.

夏令营时间:2024年8月17号至8月24号 The summer camp dates: 8/17/2024-8/24/2024.

1. 招生對象:家長及7歲以上學生。
Parents and Children whom are 7 years old and above are welcome to register.

2. 所有參加夏令營的同學必須由至少一位家長全程陪同。不能全程參加夏令營的家長,您的孩子將不會被考慮接收。All the campers must be accompanied by a parent during the entire stay at the Camp. If the parent can't attend the camp, your child won't be accepted. No exceptions.

3. 須於營隊開始當天(8月17日)下午4點報到。
Students need to check in at 4 pm on 8/17/2024.

4. 本活動營隊七天七夜,住宿於美東淨宗學會。若孩子身體曾罹患重大疾病者或有其他不適宜之情況者,請衡量孩子身體狀況三思報名。
This camp will last 7 days and 7 nights. Please make careful considerations if your child has any significant medical or behavioral needs requiring special care.

Please do not bring any toys and/or electronic devices such as cell phones, iPads, iPods and computers . If there is a violation, toys/electronic devices will be confiscated and will be returned until the end of the camp.

6.本次活動期間,請自備:Items to pack:
(1)盥洗用具  Toiletries
(2)水壺、水杯 Water bottle/cup
(3)一本筆記本、一個鉛筆盒(鉛筆和彩筆) A notebook,  a pencil box with crayons and colored pencils
(4)浴巾/Bath towel
(5)睡袋、毯子或者床罩被褥和枕頭 Sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, sheet or other bedding
(5)換洗衣物及睡衣 Clothes and pajamas
(6)如果孩子小需要自備室內拖鞋或鞋子 Indoor shoes or slippers if your child is young.
(7)其他生活必需品 Necessities

7. 所有報名者請注意著裝。不可以低胸露肩及穿超短褲和超短裙。
Dress code policy: dress appropriately, no low cut top, no tank & Camisole, no mini-shorts, no mini-skirts. 

Please discuss with your child before registration, the importance of following the rules of the camp in order to create and maintain a positive atmosphere.

9. 美東淨宗學會將於同一時間舉辦成人道德講堂,請陪同家長務必參加。
Pure Land Buddhist Association will hold adult Morals and Virtues retreat classes in conjunction with the children’s camp. It's a mandatory that all parents are required to participate.

10. 請於2024年8月1日之前請在線填寫此報名表。額滿之後,将不再接受任何報名。
Please submit this registration form by filling out this form before 8/1/2024. We will not take additional registrations once the class is full.

11. 營隊活動將會有簡單的對佛法因果的介紹及進入佛殿了解共修。所有報名者都將視為自願參加。
The summer camp activities also include a brief introduction to Buddhism and karma. In addition, the applicants will get a chance to enter the Buddha Hall to observe. All applicants are considered to participate voluntarily.

12. 費用:營隊期間食宿,學習費用全免。主辦單位提供精美素食。
Fees: All tuition, lodging and vegan meals are free of charge.

13. 我們將在開營面試家長和學生
We will interview parents & students before the camp starts.

14. 如果需要取消報名請至少提前一週通知主辦單位.
Please contact the camp at least one week in advance if you need to cancel your registration. 

This form will include: Parent's information, Student's information, Medical release form, and Media release authorization.
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我已仔細閱讀說明並同意遵守在美東淨宗學會學習期間所有的規定。/I have read and agree to the policy of Pure Land Buddhist Association during my stay. *
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