OFPL Library Card Registration
Library cards may be picked-up at the library or mailed to the address on your application.

Public Access Hours 

Children & Youth Library 200 West Aztec Ave.

Main Library 115 West Hill Ave. 

Mon - Tue - Thu - Fri - 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Wednesday - 11:00 AM-6:00 PM

Saturday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

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Email *
Completing this application confirms that I (we) apply for the right to use the Library and will abide by its rules: I will be responsible for materials borrowed, overdue, damaged, or lost.  I will give immediate notice of address and phone number changes.  I will report the loss or theft of this card and replace it promptly.  
University of New Mexico students my use their Banner ID number as a public library card. Please enter your current Banner ID number (If applicable):
First Name *
Last Name *
Mailing Address *
City, State and Zip Code *
Physical Address *
City, State and Zip Code *
Phone Number *
State and Drivers License number (Include parent's name, State and Drivers License number if under the age of 18)
4 digit PIN number (For access to library account & online resources)                http://ofpl.tlcdelivers.com:8080/?config=pacdefault#section=home https://ofpl.online/collections/#libraryathome *
D.O.B *
Would you like to receive overdue notices, reminders and receipts via email? *
How do you want to receive your library card? *
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