Consent Form
Please fill in this form to register your interest in engaging in a conversation over a home-cooked meal** with me. The duration of the conversation may vary depending on the duration of the course of the meal. Selective parts of the conversation we had will be documented in the form of a recipe. This encounter is part of a longer research project.

By filling this form you consent to participate in this conversation. We respect the rights and privacy of the participants, and your identity will be kept anonymous. Given this engagement is voluntary in nature, you may withdraw from this project at any time. A copy of your response will be sent to your email upon the submission of this form.

For further information please email **artist has obtained Level 2 Food Hygiene & Safety for Catering, issue date: 25/05/2023
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name  *
Would you be keen on participating alongside another stranger? *
What is your favourite dish (and/or what is a dish that represents you)? *
Your identity will be made anonymous, and you will only be identified as your favourite dish.
Do you have any food allergies? *
If yes, please specify:
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
If yes, please specify:
Do you have any dietary preferences? *
If yes, please specify:
Which language do you prefer to engage in? *
The artist will be speaking in the creole language of Singlish, incorporating the chosen languages listed below.
How are your preferred availabilities? (Check all that applies.) *
Do you consent to audio recording? *
Any audio recorded will not be publicised, all recordings will be erased after (non-transcriptive) text archive. You may email directly with regards to any contents recorded that you may prefer to be removed from the text archive. Not consenting to recording does not affect the performance in any way.
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