Memories, Migrations and Movements: Situating Womxn of Color Voices in the Diaspora
A workshop developed and facilitated by: Leah Kabigting Sicat

This writing workshop is about - and is specifically for - the intersectional identity of being a womxn of color.  As a feminist intervention, this workshop will grapple with how we, as womxn of color and mental health practitioners, can engage in writing - as an individual exercise and as a collective activity - that is not only healing but also regenerative. We will explore how we perpetuate different layers of silencing, invisibility, and denial on ourselves and each other; and brainstorm how to dismantle systemic and internalized oppression like patriarchy, racism, and classism. This workshop aims to generate tools for empathy and curiosity necessary for our collective and individual growth.

Leah K. Sicat is a 2nd-generation Filipina American woman and Feminist Critical Storyteller residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an Education doctoral student Born and raised in South Sacramento and influenced by her experiences living and teaching in New York City, Santa Cruz, and South Korea, her writing revolves around transnational feminism, Philippine diaspora, education, and food stories. She creates flash auto-fiction, poetry, and expository writing to explore how womxn of color understand individual experiences, collective memory, historical events, and colonial and imperial legacies.

Date: October 27 and November 3, 2020 (attendance to both days is required)
Time: 6:00 - 7:30  PM
Online using Zoom

Please complete this form to register by 11:59pm on Wed, Oct 21st. We will confirm your participation by Friday, Oct 23rd.

This is an offering provided by Wellness in Action, a program of the Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants (CERI) and funded by Alameda County Behavioral Health Services.

Contact with any questions or concerns.

अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
Name (First, Last) *
Email Address *
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Location (City, State)
Gender pronoun (i.e. she/her/hers) *
Racial/Ethnic Identity *
Are you a mental health practitioner, in the health or wellness field, or interested in pursuing a pathway in the field of mental health/wellness? *
If other, please explain your interest in this course
For the purposes of creating a safe space for the group, in what other ways do you self-identify that you'd like to specifically and explicitly let us know?
Can you commit to both days of the series? *
What is your intention for this workshop or what do you hope to achieve?
Have you participated in Wellness in Action programs or events in the past? *
Anything else you want us to know?
By submitting this application I commit to participate in both scheduled days and to respect the confidentiality of all participants.
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