User Comfort level in Melbourne AUS
Climate analysis survey as part of analysis for Melbourne city council house 2 (CH2)
!! میلبورن سٹی کونسل ہاؤس ۲ کے تجزیہ کے حصے کے طور پر موسمیاتی تجزیہ سروے 
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thank you so much for taking my questionnaire!! please first state your name and age :) *
100 points
are you located in australia currently? *
100 points
if answered, ۱ or ۲ ; where abouts are you based?
100 points
have you been to ever been to victoira, melbourne?
100 points
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do you know of this building?! :)
that was melbourne city council house just for context, dont worry if you have no clue where this is :)
100 points
i have no clue where this is lol
omg!! i have deffo seen before
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in general, how would you describe the climate of australia?
100 points
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if other, please tell me why!! :)
200 points
how would you describe the climate of melbourne specifically?
100 points
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how often do you experience extreme weather conditions in melbourne?
100 points
super often
not at all
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what features do you think make a building environmentally sustainable? (select all that apply please)
100 points
anything you'd like to say/ any notable information ??! :) 
500 points
give a rating of melbourne!! 
100 points
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any additonal questions you may have?
id greatly appreciate if you could circulate this survey around to anyone you know!! it would help me alot with my studies!! but yes have a good day/evening.

- husna! :)
200 points
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