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2024 Metro League Team Entry
Clubs with multiple teams will need to fill in a form for each team entered.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Club Name
Your answer
Are you a
Returning Club
New Club
Team Name - teams from the same club must have their own identifiable name.
Your answer
Grade nominating for
A Grade
A Reserve Grade
B Grade
Team colours
Your answer
Is your club incorporated
In the process of becoming incorporated
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Club Email (if different from primary/secondary contacts)
Your answer
Primary Contact - Name
Your answer
Primary Contact - Email
Your answer
Primary Contact - Phone
Your answer
Secondary Contact - Name (must be different to Primary Contact)
Your answer
Secondary Contact - Email (must be different to Primary Contact)
Your answer
Secondary Contact - Phone (must be different to Primary Contact)
Your answer
Your answer
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