PyLadies Chapter Organizer Registration Form
Please fill in this form if you are:

- Currently a PyLadies chapter organizer
- Was a chapter organizer and wants to step down
- A new organizer for an existing chapter.

Please share this form with your co-organizers, as well as please remember to fill this form again with any changes in your chapter (i.e. someone new is joining the team or someone is stepping down).

We may request you to fill this form annually, to keep our records up to date.

Est. 2020

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How will the data here be used?
PyLadies Admin-and-logistics team members will refer to this data if we need to get in touch with local chapter organizers, for example for verifying the chapter's status or for verifying password reset request.

Other PyLadies members and organizers may want to contact a chapter directly for various purposes, for example: sharing conference discount codes, sharing job opportunities, request speakers from your community, et.
Who has access to this form?
The information collected here will be made available to all PyLadies chapter organizers, as a Google Sheets. The Google Sheets can be viewed by anyone who logged in using the {chapter} account.

If you are a chapter organizer and would like access to this data, you can go to the following url and log in using your chapter's {} email address.

Questions and concerns?
Please bring this up in: and open an issue.
(Personal) Email address: *
Your own personal email address, which we can use to contact you. If you're updating/removing yourself, please use the same email address used when you first register. We have some automation in place to lookup your info! Email address: *
Your chapter's email address. Example:
Your Name *
Your Pronouns *
Your Slack Username
Your Slack handle in, if you have it
Your Status
Active: you're a current or new organizer member.

Inactive: you're not organizing anymore. Select this, and your record will be automatically removed from the Google Sheets. (Please use the same email address used when you register!)
Your status *
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