Tech-driven Mental Well-being Questionnaire
Help us understand how we can make our mental health app, which integrates with your fitness wearables, serve you better! This short survey will only take a few minutes. Your feedback is invaluable to us.
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Do you currently own any fitness wearable device(s)? If yes, which one(s)? (Select all that apply)
How often do you use wearable devices (like fitness trackers or smartwatches) to monitor your health and fitness? *
Do you use any apps that connect with your wearable device for mental well-being purposes?
Would you be interested in monitoring your mental well-being through wearable data?
Which wellness apps or platforms do you use? (Select all that apply)
How often do you use these apps, if at all? *
What features do you consider most important in a mental health app that uses data from fitness wearables? (Select up to three)
How likely are you to use an app that offers personalized mental health support based on your biometric data from wearables?
Very likely
Very unlikely
Would you be willing to pay for a mental health app that integrates with your fitness wearable if it met your needs? If so, how much per month seems reasonable?
Please share any additional features or ideas that you believe would enhance your experience with a mental health app that uses data from fitness wearables.
Would you like to stay in touch? If so, feel free to leave your email address here 
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