NJHA Fed Steer Shootout Field Day RSVP

We are so excited to again host the Fed Steer Shootout Field Day at HRC Feed Yards, in Scott City, Kan., for the fourth year. The Field Day will take place on April 13, with continental breakfast and a Certified Hereford Beef lunch provided. This year, attendees will be welcome to visit HRC Feed Yards to view their cattle on the afternoon of Friday, April 12 with a casual dinner and social provided that evening.

A more detailed schedule will be available soon, and highlights include workshops with Cargill, hands-on learning and a tour of HRC Feed Yards.

Please RSVP by April 1 to provide accurate counts for meals. Family and friends are welcome to attend, please have them fill out the interest form, or do so on their behalf. The hotel headquarters is Best Western Inn & Suites, Scott City Kan. Please call (620) 872-7373 and book your room today as they will fill up fast.

Please fill out an RSVP form for each individual attending so we have information on everyone and can be prepared for this exciting event.


If there are any questions please reach out to:

Trey Befort: tbefort@herefordbeef.org or (816) 842-3757

Chloé Fowler: cfowler@hereford.org or (816) 218-2279
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