Lioness Stories - tell me more!
I'm searching for everyday heroines – the unsung lionesses who are making a profound impact on the world.

A lioness is a woman living out her purpose and on a mission to impact the world by making it better. She is strong and courageous.  She gives and supports her community.  She is heart-centered, impact-focused, brave and resilient.

I will be considering all the stories I receive and making selections for my book release in fall 2025, as well as my podcast "Lioness Conversations".  

Share about your lioness nomination! 
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Please provide YOUR full name (you, the person referring). *
Please provide your contact information.
What is the name of the woman you are referring for consideration?   *
Please provide her contact information. *
What makes your nominee a "Lioness" in your eyes?  *
What is she doing in the world that you find extraordinary?
Why is it important for the world to hear her story?
What is something unique or special about her journey that you believe would resonate with women and girls?
What else would you love for me to know about this special woman so that I can more fully consider her?
Do I have your permission to contact her? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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