Aspiring Allies: Application Form
Thank you for your interest in Aspiring Allies! Please review and fill out the form. Please note that some questions are required and some are optional. If any questions arise about this form, please contact, and we will put you in touch with the facilitator who can answer your question.
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Email *
Basic Contact Information
 Full Name *
Phone Number *
Optional Info
What church or faith community/ies, if any, are you associated with?
Would your church (or faith community) be interested in partnering with Kaleidoscope or taking part in a future Kaleidoscope training?
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Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Where are you located? *
Ethnic / Cultural Identity
Educational Background
Sexual Orientation
Gender Identity (feel free to specify your pronouns)
Cohort Information
For which cohort are you applying?
If "Other," please specify.
Clear selection
How did you learn about the cohort?
If we are unable to accommodate your participation for this particular cohort (because of balance, numbers, etc.), are you interested in being contacted for a future cohort where we may be able to accommodate you?
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