Middletown Public Schools Public Records Request Form
Please use this form when requesting public records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). You will receive a copy of your request (via email) once it has been submitted.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessie Lavorgna, Middletown Public Schools' Director of Communications, at lavorgnaj@mpsct.org or 860-638-1445.
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E-postadresse *
Person Making Request
Your Last Name *
Write full last name. No abbreviations.
Your First Name *
Write full first name. No abbreviations.
Complete this only if it is applicable.
Your Phone Number *
Records Request
What is your request? *
Provide as much specific detail as possible.
If you are requesting access to emails, what terms/phrases/sentences/etc. would you like us to search?
Please place a semicolon ; in between each term/phrase/sentence/etc. that you would like us to search for.
What is the time frame of your request? *
For example: I would like to review all emails sent from John Doe to Jane Doe from November 1, 2012 to December 15, 2012.
How would you like to receive the records? *
En kopi av svarene dine blir sendt til e-postadressen du oppga.
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Dette skjemaet ble opprettet på Middletown Public Schools. Rapporter uriktig bruk