Amrita - TU Delft International PhD Application Form

The Amrita-TU Delft Center for Water Research is offering a fully funded PhD fellowship for individuals passionate about advancing water sustainability through cutting-edge research. This program invites applications for a PhD in the area of:

Research Focus:
Comparative Analysis of Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Community-Based Water Purification Technologies in Rural India.

This exciting opportunity seeks to unravel the cultural, psychological, and socio-economic dynamics influencing the adoption of community-based water purification systems in rural India.

  • Collaborative Supervision: PhD candidates will work in pairs, guided by faculty from both Amrita and TU Delft.

  • Degree Awarded By: TU Delft, The Netherlands.

  • Program Duration: 4 years (Year 1 at TU Delft and Years 2–4 at Amrita University, India).

  • Graduate School Participation: Complete coursework at TU Delft during Year 1.

  • Research Output: A minimum of four joint publications is expected.


Candidates must hold a Master's degree (M.Tech, M.Phil, or equivalent) in one of the following areas:

  • Engineering: Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Chemical, Mechanical, Civil, or Wireless Sensor Networks.

  • Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Environmental Science, or Geo Sciences.

  • Social Sciences & Business: Geography, Management, Sustainable Development.

Please fill the form below to express your interest.

Amrita Center for International Programs
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Name in Full *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Nationality *
Email address for communication *
Phone number (WhatsApp number) *
Highest Academic Degree *
Please add: Degree, Specialization, University/Institution Name, Year of Graduation and CGPA - documents maybe submitted upon request
Research Interests and Experience *

Add: Research Area of Interest, Relevant Research Experience, Master’s Thesis, Publications (if any):

Statement of Purpose *
  • Please write a short statement (up to 1000 words) outlining your motivation, research interests, and alignment with the program

Other achivements/comments *
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