ICML 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning for Astrophysics | Reviewer Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in helping with the reviewing process at this year's workshop! 

Our goal is to ensure that all extended abstracts will receive at least two independent reviews, in a double-blind process. As we aim for high quality and constructive reviews, we do not want to ask volunteers to review many papers, which translates into needing a large pool of volunteers. 

If you are available during the two weeks period between May 29th and June 12th and would be interested in helping, please let us know through this form!  Reviewers will be asked to review at least 2 and no more than 4 extended abstracts (4 pages each) that best fit their expertise. 
Depending on the reviewing needs we would make sure to reach out to you for your assistance.

We cannot unfortunately offer free registrations to our reviewers, but their contributions will be acknowledged on our website after the paper acceptance decision deadline.

For full consideration, please let us know of your availability through this form before May 25th.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee through icml2023ml4astro@gmail.com
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Adresse e-mail *
What is your name? *
Please provide a web link to your website/Google Scholar/Orcid/LinkedIn account (or other relevant web presence) *
This will help us get a good idea of your area of expertise.
What is your career stage? *
What are your main area of expertise in Machine Learning and/or Astrophysics?
Is there a particular topic you would be particularly excited about reviewing?
As an indication, how many extended abstracts would you estimate to be able to review? 
You would have the opportunity to give us an exact upper number when officially agreeing to serve as a reviewer.
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