January Community Events                                                 Family Sign Up
Use this form to sign up to attend our event in 
  • Chester County—American Helicopter Museum (Friday, January 31st, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm)
 . More information about this event can be found here. Specific event details will be sent via email one week prior to the event

This form will remain open for American Helicopter Museum   until 4:00pm on Friday, January 24th

Please note that this form must be filled out by a parent or legal guardian. 

*,  If you have questions about a specific event, please contact Courtland Handy Community Engagement Coordinator, Philadelphia, Southeast, and South Central Counties, at cohandyiii@insightpaschools.org or Office: 215-982-4083-  Cell 609-672-0016. 


Email *
Parent/Legal Guardian Last Name ,First Name: *
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number: *
Parent/Legal Guardian Email Address: *
What county do you reside in? *
List all Insight PA student ID numbers below. Example:  555555 *
How many current registered Insight PA STUDENTS will be attending this event with you? *
Students Grade  *
  Which event(s) will you be attending? Please select which October event(s) you plan to join. If you are attending only one, choose the location. If you plan to attend both, select both locations. For more information about each event, please refer to the ParentSquare post  
I understand that photos may be taken of our family during this event and that Insight PA Cyber Charter School may use these photos in school communications and/or marketing efforts. Examples include (but are not limited to) the school website, social media posts, and newsletters. *

Colored name tags or lanyards will be distributed at each event to identify our students and let our staff know who they can and cannot photograph. All attendees must wear these in a visible location at all times during our events.
How many additional  ADULTS (ages 18 and older) will be attending this event with their Insight PA student(s) (dont include the adults who registered)?  *
How many additional attendees, under the age of 18 will be attending this event?  *
Attendees assume all risks and dangers inherent in and incidental to participating in these events and activities. Accordingly, neither Insight PA Cyber Charter School, nor individual employees, shall in any way be liable for claims or actions arising from this event. Attendees are expected to wear appropriate footwear and clothing for these activities and the weather and remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times. (Please note that these events are RAIN OR SHINE and will only be canceled if the venues themselves close.) *
Cancellation Confirmation:
I understand that if I need to cancel, I will inform the Mr. Handy as soon as possible to allow others to participate.
Please review your registration and check that all information was entered correctly.
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