RawCMS: leave feedback!
RawCMS is a headless CMS written in ASP.NET Core, built for developers that embrace API-first technology. RawCMS uses MongoDB as its data storage and is ready to be hosted on Docker containers. It is also a low-code platfrom because it helps to reduce effort on the backend development. Through its API support application (mobile or web) on log collecting, api gateway, data access, session storage, translation, etc... all using simple API, REST or GraphQL.
The project is hosted here : https://github.com/arduosoft/RawCMS/
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How did you know about RawCMS?
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What do you think about the idea? *
Would you use it on production? *
If not, why?
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What feature will be must-have on RawCMS?
What feature will be nice-to-have on RawCMS?
Would you like to buy a SaaS version of RawCMS instead of deploying on your local?
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In case, how much you will be able to spend on it for a Paas solution? for small/medium load, like 10000 API call/hour.
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How much you will be available to spend for an enterprise subscription (premium features, ticketing support, bug assistance)?
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