Baldwin Scenic Overlook 
Hi queen! Are you looking to start your weekend off right with a gentle hike up to one of the most beautiful scenic overlooks in LA? Join Black Women for Wellness on August 26th for a walk up to the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook where we'll beat the heat and meet the sun with new friends, good conversation, and gentle movement. We will move at your pace and stop for pics, snacks, and moments of silence as we meet our weekend with gratitude and community. Look forward to seeing you there!
**this hike will involve continuous movement up a staircase and back down a trail. Please park on Jefferson Ave and meet us at the bottom of Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook Park. Thank you! 

Feel free to reach out to Raen at with any questions. We will be meeting on August 26 at 8:00AM. I'll see you soon! 
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