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IN-BOX OPEN 2024 Registration form
Let's do the Open our way - bringing the OPEN FUN into our box. Encourage each and everyone of our community to take part. This only happens once a year - Let's make it great!!!
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Your Name
Your answer
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Open 15-49
Masters 50+
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Will this be your first Open?
No. I am a previous competitor
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I am prepared to:
Complete each WOD to the best of my ability (Scaling & Substitution provided)
Be a team player- Support, encourage, count, judge other athletes
Have fun!!!
Payment cost is $30 ($10 to go to Team Captains) + $20 event costs
Direct debit me ($2.50 surcharge)
Cash prior to start of event
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What are you hoping to achieve from the IN-BOX OPEN? Knowing what you are wanting to gain will assist our coaches in providing specific assistance.
Optional answer.
Your answer
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