Friends of Seaside Parks (FOSPA) Park Association Application
 Hello!  This form is for neighbors in the City of Seaside, California who would like to form a neighborhood park association in order to have a park added to the FOSPA volunteer workday rotations.   The benefit of adding your park to FOSPA network include A) volunteer park workdays with many helping hands on a regular basis; B) greater City of Seaside support (water, supplies, equipment); and C) your park will be part of a City-wide master plan for all Seaside parks, and your park association (representing the voices of you and your neighbors) may make important contributions to the master plan for your park as the opportunities arise.  

What are the expectations of FOSPA neighborhood park association members?
1) Each park association member should be involved in helping that particular park: contributing on volunteer workdays, watering as needed, or helping to give input & feedback.  Participation is the only obligation, and participation can mean many things.
2) Each park association member should read and understand the FOSPA Bylaws 
3) One park association member should be nominated (or volunteer) to be the assigned board member (voting member) for the FOSPA monthly meetings.  FOSPA meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month typically at the Oldemeyer Center (986 Hilby Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955) both in-person and virtually via Zoom.  

How many FOSPA park association members are needed, and must they all live in Seaside?
Five park association members are needed to form a FOSPA park association, and all of them must live in the City of Seaside, CA.    Additional members are welcome to be included that do not live in the City of Seaside, but the founding five members should all live within the City boundaries.

What happens once I submit my FOSPA Park Association Application?
Once you submit this form, it will be received by the current FOSPA board.  Your park association application will be reviewed, and you (and your other members) will be invited to attend a FOSPA board meeting where your application will be voted on.  (Sounds scary, but it's not--we are a very friendly bunch!)

Ready to apply?  We look forward to hearing from you!
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Your name *
Your email address *
A telephone number where you can be reached, and the best days/times to reach you (in case we have questions) *
What is the name of the park (or parks) you wish to add to the FOSPA rotation?  
What is the address or approximate location of the park/s?
How would you describe the park/s to someone from the general public?  (large or small park/s, what are the features of the park/s, etc)
What are the goals for the park/s?  (how do you and the other park association members wish to help maintain or improve the park/s?)
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