Jacare Gi Seminar @ Cornerstone Jiu Jitsu Academy
Event Timing: June 2nd, 2024 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Address: 1309 Leander Dr #604 Leander, TX 78641
Contact us at 512-337-2294 or info@cornerstonejiujitsuacademy.com

Upon registration, you will receive an email and/or text invoice from Cornerstone Jiu Jitsu Academy LLC with a request for payment. Due to high demand, if payment is not received within 48 hours of invoice date your slot may be offered to someone else.

Refunds will be given for cancelations up to two weeks in advance of the event (midnight May 25).  

Pre-sold entries are highly encouraged.  There is no guarantee spots will be available on the day of the event.

Please ensure your email address and phone number is correct so we are able to contact you about updates to this event (contact info will not be used for anything other than this event).

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