Sign Up: Fieldston Class Rep
Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a Class Rep! Class Reps are vital to maintaining our community of alumni. Connect your classmates to one another and the school by collecting Class Notes for the ECFS Reporter, attend events (when possible), and encourage alumni participation in the Annual Fund.

The responsibilities of a Class Agent are:

  • Serve as a point of contact for your fellow classmates
  • Send email communications 
  • Fundraise for the Orange Fund - ask for gifts
  • Participate in Phone-a-thons 
  • Promote events and share news

The responsibilities of a Class Recorder are:

  • Collect news via email, phone or social media to be published in the ECFS Reporter
  • News may include updates, accomplishments, life events, births and deaths, and anything our alumni would like to share with their classmates and the School community
  • A print edition of The Recorder is published and mailed each winter and digitally each summer. 

Questions? Contact
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Name: *
Class Year: *
Email: *
Cell Number: *
What role(s) are you interested in? *
Please let us know if you have specific skills or talents you would like to contribute as a volunteer!
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