old school newsletter
this is a google forms document. if you put your email adress down below, it will be saved in a 'private' google sheets document. the newsletter (i dont even have an idea if and at what intervals i will send them out) will be send via a gmail account. please dont put your email adress in, if you dont want that google gets your info. please also dont put other peoples email adresses in. this is a cheap workaround without paying a subscription service and keeping somewhat my 'anonymity' (except from google of course, there most likely know who i am). thats why there will be no double opt-in (so no confirmation and no validation process) for this manually hand delivered newsletter 'service'. somehow this is ok under GDPR. if you are a lawyer, please dont sue me. instead just drop me an email (contacts at my website, thats from where you came from to this 'subscription form') and give me an info. until then maybe i will get rich and i can pay for a 'legally bulletproof professional service provider'. ok, if you read everything until the end, cheers to you my friend.
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