U11s Netball match away v Robertswood School- Tuesday 14th May 
Invitation to represent the school in a Girls Under 11s netball match.

Dear Parent / Carer,

I am pleased to let you know that your child has been selected to represent the school in a girls only Under 11s Netball match on:

Tuesday 14th May – Away Game v Robertswood School

Address: Denham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, SL9 0EW. Tel: 01753 888327

We ask that parents transport children to Robertswood School or arrange lifts with other players.

The game will start as close to 4pm as possible and the children should be collected from Robertswood school at the end of the game – hopefully by 4:40pm.

Please return the slip below by Monday 13th May, giving your child permission to play.

A full team list will be available on the sports notice board in the Junior School Dining Hall.

It is the players’ responsibility to make sure that they come to school with their trainers and school PE kit on the day of the match plus a warm top and a drink.

Yours sincerely

Mr. R Ballard

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Correo *
U11s Girls Home Netball match - Tuesday 14th May v Robertswood School
I give permission for my child to represent the school on Tuesday 14th May in an away Netball match v Robertswood *
First name of child *
Surname of child *
Class *
My child will be collected from CSG school at 3:30pm by - name and contact telephone number *
My child will be collected after the match from the Robertswood playground at about 4.40pm by - name and contact telephone number *
Medical Notes (i.e. Asthma/ allergies):
Signed (Person with parental responsibility) *
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