5th grade Orchestra registration
Your child has the opportunity to be a part of the orchestra program, one of the most valued programs promoted by the Germantown Municipal School District. Beginning in the fifth grade, violin, viola, cello, and bass instruction is offered at Riverdale Elementary, Dogwood Elementary, Farmington Elementary, and Forest Hill Elementary. This is a beginning strings course that will meet during the school day and function as a great jump-start to middle school and high school orchestra.

This letter is for you because you play a vital part in making the decision regarding your child’s participation in this program. We hope you will discuss the program with your child as he/she learns about and considers participating in strings class. More specific information regarding enrollment will be sent home with your child later.

We urge you to carefully consider the enrollment of your child in strings class, as it may lead to educational possibilities for your child that might otherwise remain undeveloped. There is a growing body of research that shows that studying music in school is of tremendous benefit to every child, and we are eager for your child to experience those benefits as well.

If you would like for your child to participate in the 5th grade strings class next year, please fill out the form below. Please DO NOT OBTAIN AN INSTRUMENT AT THIS TIME; when classes begin, I will be properly sizing students for instruments. There will be a $100 orchestra fee for all other music materials for the year, in addition to the cost of renting an instrument.

Thank you for considering string instruction for your child. If you have any questions concerning this class, please feel free to email me at any time. I look forward to answering any questions you may have about the strings class and orchestra program in Germantown Municipal School District.

Stephen Short, Orchestra Director, stephen.short@gmsdk12.org

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