South Central Regionals Intent 
Please complete the following to help Tri-Lakes prepare and make a schedule that will work best for all of our skiers. Junior divisions will ski Friday afternoon and Saturday.
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Email *
Last Name (optional)
How many people competed in the 2023 Waterski Regionals from your family? *
How many in your family plan to attend the banquet?  *
Skier 1 will compete in the following division:
Skier 1 plans to compete in which of the following events?
Skier 2 will compete in the following division:
Skier 2 plans to compete in which of the following events?
Skier 3 will compete in the following division:
Skier 3 plans to compete in which of the following events?
Skier 4 will compete in the following division:
Skier 4 plans to compete in which of the following events?
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