Family Feud Polling
The answers to this survey will be used in my Christmas Family Feud party on December 24th.

Please list your top 3 answers that come to mind when seeing the questions. 

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Name something that a person may cheat on… *
Name something that you probably shouldn't send in an email.
Name a place with people who don’t want to be there
Name something that gets passed around
Name something that might be full of holes
Name something that people swap
Name qualities of bad neighbors
Name a US president whose first name was John
Name a reason you might go home early from work
Name first date faux pas
Name a place that always has a long bathroom line
Name something in a bakery a baker might call his wife
Name an occasion for which you might wear lucky underwear
Name something that might be referred to as a dead end
Name something that you need to buy in preparation for having a baby…
Name a reason why someone wakes up at 2am…
Name a word starting with the letter “s”…
Name something that shrinks…
Name something people do when they try to get out of speeding tickets…
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