USUE Jr. Prevention & Confidence Club 2022
Welcome to Utah State University Extension BE-EPIC Jr. Prevention & Confidence Club at Meaningful Mindz S.T.E.A.M. Hub!    

Are you looking to build your confidence and learn healthy
habits? This is the place for you!
 You will learn about positive communication skills, friendship, and how to
prevent e-cigarette use in a fun, and engaging, environment .

 The Utah State University Extension BE-EPIC Jr. Prevention & Confidence Club at Meaningful Mindz is open to youth in 5th-8th grades

We will ask you to fill out a post- survey as part of this program.

The cost is $FREE
*Must attend all sessions to receive the free swag*

March 2022 Session dates:
Monday    3/7       from 5:30p- 6:30
Session 1: What is confidence? Kids will learn to develop confidence in their own abilities and learn that it's ok to make mistakes and even fail sometimes.

Monday    3/14     from 5:30p- 6:30
Session 2: The Friendship Factor: We will talk about the importance of not only having good friends, but of being a good friend. The qualities of a good friend will be discussed, and we will talk about healthy communication.

Monday    3/21     from 5:30p- 6:30
Session 3: Resilience: Kids will learn skills to better adapt to a constantly changing environment and recover from setbacks.

Monday    3/28     from 5:30p- 6:30
Session 4: Be True to You: Kids will learn to value their own uniqueness and individuality and learn how that contributes to confidence. We will practice calming techniques and talk about having a growth mindset.

Each session also has a short activity that ties the harms of vaping into the topic of the day.


Our programs incorporate STEAM-focused, hands-on activities to promote 21st-century skills along with art, music, literacy, and physical activity.  We help our students build a foundation forged of self-worth, intellect, hard work, and community engagement in hopes that they will embody these concepts their whole lives.
 Meaningful Mindz provides resources and connects our youth with the community in constructive and meaningful ways. We do this by combining volunteerism and community-based programming with safe, fun, educational lessons that have real-life applications.
Most of our local economy/industry is directly related to S.T.E.A.M. we intend to work with employers to educate youth about potential careers in the area. We believe this will benefit youth and employers by providing a robust and engaged workforce for the future of carbon county.  
Our Program helps bridge the resource gap for students between their home, school, and community lives.  We wanted to ensure that our youth were active in their communities and that individuals have the necessary tools to create their own paths toward success.
The goal of STEAM-based learning is to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in the future. STEAM is important because it helps incorporate multiple disciplines at the same time and promotes learning experiences that allow children to explore, question, research, discover, and exercise creative, innovative building skills. STEAM teaches critical thinking skills and instills a creative passion for innovation. Beyond the benefit of learning science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, STEAM assists in problem-solving and exploratory learning that fuel success across a variety of tasks and disciplines. STEAM education creates creative, critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. Innovation leads to new products and processes that sustain our economy.
Meaningful Mindz STEAM Hub is committed to helping young minds grow and develop in positive ways by empowering youth so that they not only survive but thrive well into adulthood. ​
Our programs focus on S.T.E.A.M, Play, Social Emotional Learning, Academics, Prevention, Advocacy, and Community Involvement in a fun, engaging hands-on life coaching approach.
Youth are naturally curious and love to investigate and explore. They learn about their world through multiple modalities using their five senses. Every waking moment of a child’s day is about learning. They are exploring how things work, move, and connect.

Thank you for joining the Meaningful Mindz! We are excited to have you!

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Adreça electrònica *
Child's gender: *
Child's Name *
Parents or Guardians *
Child's Date of Birth *
Phone Numbers *
Best Way to Contact You *
Grade going into in the Fall *
School Name *
Does your child have allergies?
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How did you hear about us? *
Are there any special needs or concerns we should know about?
Please pick all day your are reserving your spot for *
Household  Yearly Income : *
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