2024-25 Livonia FRC Robotics Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in Livonia Warriors and The Tyros Team - our unified High School robotics teams. 


This form is for all students interested in joining our Competition Robotics Teams for the 2024-25 School year. 

Students **with a parent** MUST attend one of the REQUIRED Information Nights (noted below) to be eligible to receive a Team Application and begin the team induction process. 

Please review this document before signing up:  

If you cannot attend any of the Information Nights, or have any other questions or concerns, please contact the team administrator, Louise Ruiter, at lruiter@livoniawarriors.org

Thank you
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Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Phone Number *
Enter only numbers, no symbols.  If you do not have a personal cell phone, please enter your home phone number.
Parent / Guardian Name *
Please let us know which parent / guardian should be our main point of contact for you.  
Parent / Guardian E-Mail *
We will contact your parent/guardian using this e-mail.  Please check with your parent/guardian to make sure this is the e-mail they check most often.
Parent / Guardian Phone Number *
Enter only numbers, no symbols. If your parent/guardian does not have a personal cell phone, please enter your home phone number.
School *
What high school will you be attending for the 2024-25 School Year?
Grade *
What grade will you be in for the 2024-25 school year?
Information Night *
You AND your parent / guardian are REQUIRED to attend one of our Information Nights to be considered for the team.  Even if you are a veteran to the teams, information does change from year to year.  

If you cannot attend any of these dates, please contact the Team Administrator, Louise Ruiter, at lruiter@livoniawarriors.org. 
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