Tech & Product Talks 17.04.2019
👉🏻Speaker: Harald Wendel / Senior Software Engineer at Treasury Team TransferWise
Topic: Transaction cascades, or how to build a transactional microservice architecture
📍Language: EN

At TransferWise we use Kafka and local database transactions to achieve transactional behavior across multiple microservices. In this talk Harald will describe their architecture and design decisions. He'll compare our own solution with other alternatives and show why we chose to build our own. He'll also give a quick recap on database transactions and Kafka.

Harald is a software developer at TransferWise, building the rails to move their customers' money around the world. Before that he's been building trading systems for almost 10 years. He's been working with Java for over 15 years with a focus on low latency and stream processing systems. When he's not coding he likes to cycle or just hang out with his family. Most of the year you can find him either in Berlin or Tallinn.
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