Pre-Conversation Input - The Great Reset
You are part of a larger group of people taking part in The Great Reset.

The key pillars of The Great Reset are to share with humility and listen with respect. There is no agenda. The purpose is to empower everyone to engage in conversation.

These surveys are intended to help us build better conversations. We believe more people talking and listening leads to better and stronger communities.

Again, thank you for taking part in the conversation. Your participation helps bring us all just a bit closer together.

Please be sure to follow the journey of The Great Reset on our Facebook Page.
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
Date of upcoming conversation (if you are not going to be participating in a conversation fill in with the first day of the current month and year): *
Location: *
Your gender: *
Your age: *
The topic this month is affordable housing and homelessness. How comfortable do you feel talking about this topic? *
Not at all
Very Comfortable
Do you have a problem with affordable housing in your area? *
Do you have a problem with homelessness in your area? *
Who is at risk for becoming homeless? *
Do you feel your city/town is open to making sure there is affordable housing available? *
Not at all
What is an example of affordable housing you current have in your area, or one you'd like to see available? *
Which of the following MOST influences the likelihood of becoming homeless? *
Please elaborate more on your answer above.
Does a community have a moral obligation to address the issue of homelessness? *
Please elaborate more on your answer above.
Does it serve the community to address the homelessness issue on a financial basis? *
Please elaborate more on your answer above.
If one were to become homeless what are the possible steps to raise them out of homelessness? *
Which of the following topics interest you most for future conversations? Choose all that apply
When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone of a very different opinion? *
I don't recall
Any additional comments about The Great Reset?
Is there anyone you think would like to participate in The Great Reset?  (If yes: name, email and phone)
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