Spring 2021 - Children's Choir Opportunity
Due to COVID restrictions and necessary social distancing measures as well as concerns with the possibility of virus spread during the act of singing, we are unable to offer our children's choir programming as we have in past years.  However, we would really like to offer an opportunity for our children to share their talents and offer them in service to our God this year.  We have developed a unique plan to fulfill this purpose.  

If you sign your child up for this opportunity, we will distribute music (lyrics/sheet music and audio files) for your child to learn on their own.  We will have several zoom sessions to help with the learning as well.  Then children will attend a special rehearsal and recording session on March 7 at 1:30 pm - location to be determined based on number of participants (either Worship Center, FLC or back parking lot, or all 3).  At this event, we will prepare and record song selections for replay during church services in March, April, or May.  (Rain out date - March 21)

Students are required to pick up music and work on their own.  Attendance at the zoom sessions on January 31st, and February 21 &  28 at 3 pm are highly recommended.  Participation in the recording session on March 7 will earn the child's annual choir ribbon for the 2020-21 school year.  

If you have concerns about singing in public, students may also learn the music, participate in the zoom sessions and submit a recording of themselves singing the required selections from home to fulfill the requirement for their ribbon.

We know this is not ideal, but we are thankful to find a way to maintain some opportunity for our children to sing to the glory of God and continue the tradition of serving our church with their music. If you wish for your child to participate, please continue to the registration form.
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Friendswood Methodist erstellt. Missbrauch melden