York Disability Rights Forum
This google form provides a space for you to get in touch anonymously with us about any issues you are facing.

We are currently gathering thoughts and comments on the changes to the Autism and ADHD assessment pathway in York and North Yorkshire for updates and information see our page here - https://ydrf.org.uk/autism-and-adhd-assessment-access/

You can also email us at ND@ydrf.org.uk or leave us a voicemail at 01904 326781 (please bear in mind we are a small team so may not get back to you straight away)

You do not need to answer every question

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Which of the following categories would you include yourself in:
Please use the space below to tell us any general feelings, thoughts, and/or experiences about the pilot that you may have
Do you feel that the pilot has affected your mental or physical health? If so please give some details of how (please only share what you are comfortable with)
Do you feel that the pilot has affected your relationships with friends and/or family? If so please give some details of how (please only share what you are comfortable with)
Do you feel that the pilot has affected your work (paid or voluntary) or education? If so please give some details of how (please only share what you are comfortable with)
If you have been affected by this pilot directly is there anything specific you would like the decision makers to know?
We would like to share some experiences and statements publicly to help highlight this issue. If you agree to have your statements shared on our social media, blog, in potential future campaigns, and/or in meetings with the ICB please tick below *
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