ICHAIR 2023 Abstract Submission Form
Date: November 6th-8th, 2023
Address: NIMR, 6 Edmund Crescent, off Muritala Muhammed Way, Yaba-Lagos, Nigeria
Contact us at (234) 803 485 4995  or ichair.nigeria@gmail.com
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El. paštas *
Abstract Submission
General Online Submission Notes
This section contains information to guide you through the online submission process.

First Name, Surname *
Corresponding/registering author details - full name (first name, surname)
First Name, Surname *
Corresponding/registering author details - full name (first name, surname)
Email *
Corresponding Author Contact email (or your alternative email). This ensures you will receive all emails from us related to your participation. Separate emails with a comma.
Email *
Corresponding Author Contact email (or your alternative email). This ensures you will receive all emails from us related to your participation. Separate emails with a comma.
Co-Authors and their affiliations *
Mention full names of all co-authors (order: first, middle, last name), University/Company name, City, Country, Email address(es). Write Author 1:-----, Author 2:-----, Author 3:------, etc....
Abstract Format
Abstracts may be submitted in English.

The abstract body is limited to 300 words and should follow the format outlined below, using the required headings. Titles are limited to 50 words. No more than 10 authors may be listed. Figures and tables may not be included as part of the abstract.

Abstract text (max 300 words):
Abstracts should be structured as below and contain the following information:

Background: Briefly outline the topic of research and explain how the work presented addresses a particular knowledge and/or experiential gap.
Methods: Describe the experimental method/s used (e.g. descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional, etc.).
Results: Summarise the most important results.
Conclusions: Summarise the implications and significance of the results for patient care, public health, and/or laboratory medicine.
*Please note that you copy and paste text into this field, you will need to press the spacebar in order to display the word count.
Abstract Title (max 50 words):* *
Titles are limited to 50 words
Abstract *
The abstract body is limited to 300 words and should follow the format outlined below, using the required headings.
Scientific Track and Category
Choose a "Scientific Track" for your abstract. This is the general heading under which an abstract will be reviewed and later published. Once you have chosen a Scientific Track, you will be prompted to choose a sub-category. You can also enter up to five keywords to accompany your abstract.

You should select the track and category which you think best describes the subject of the abstract. However, the meeting organisers reserve the right to determine the final track assigned to the abstract content. Abstracts that do not fall within any of the tracks related to the conference will be rejected.

Abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Programme Committee and a panel of ad hoc reviewers; acceptance is based on the quality of the abstract and significance of the findings. Poorly written abstracts or those that lack essential information may be rejected. It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. All errors will be reproduced as typed by the author.
Scientific Track *
Choose a "Scientific Track" for your abstract
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