WCS B2B Info


We'd love to get to know you better. Please fill out this form, and we will get back to you with a tailored offer within a week.

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Please tell us your full name. *
Do you own an active business licence and a VAT ID? *
For how long are you operating? Please specify start date of business registration (as listed on your business registration).
Do you operate inside the EU? *
If you have a brick & mortar business, please provide the name of your store and your full address.
If you have a website, please provide a link.
Is selling Comics / Manga you main focus, and if not, what kind of store do you own?
Do you already use other suppliers for comics and manga? Please list which ones. 
How often do you plan to order product from us? *
What products are you most interested in? (Pick up to 3)
What monthly budget (in Euro) for Manga / Comics do you plan to spend with us in the next 6 months? *
How do you want to be contacted? *
Please provide your email/phone contact *
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