Client Requirement Survey
We at Aumonline would like to know about your basic detail and your pattern of investment in various asset classes and investment behavior to help you with proper asset allocation and portfolio restructuring
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E-mailadres *
Name *
Please Enter Your Full Name
Mobile Number *
Please Enter your 10 digit Mobile Number. Do not Add +91 or 91 or 0
Age Group *
Select appropriate Choice
Occupation *
Select appropriate Choice
Where have you Invested your Funds *
Check all that apply
Which Asset Class do you Prefer ? *
Check all that apply
Which of the Topics do you feel are priority to you ? *
Check all that Apply
How often do you review and rebalance your portfolio *
Select appropriate choice
On What Basis do you select a Mutual Fund *
Select appropriate Choice
Do you Want to set an appointment with Aumonline Representative *
Who Referred you to this Survey *
Very Important : Please Enter the Name of the Person who sent you this Survey
Thank You For your time and valuable Feedback
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