Humanities in Los Angeles Program
An Experiential Course for College-bound High School Students

Welcome to Humanities in Los Angeles!

We bring faculty together with a small cohort of Los Angeles public high school students for a 6-week class of coursework and field experiences designed to excite learners about humanities study and prepare students for college. Together, we study the humanities as the wellspring of fresh ideas, creativity, intellectual inquiry, protest, advocacy, and energized dialogue. Students will build skills and confidence as critical and imaginative thinkers ready to succeed in college classrooms.

With field trips and invited guest speakers, we learn from scholars, artists, activists and community leaders thinking about the role of the humanities in individual and public life.

All of our experiential learning is grounded in interdisciplinary humanities study that includes literature, languages, philosophy, history, arts, critical theory and praxis. Our class asks: how do the humanities help us make meaning in our lives? How do they help us ask better questions, analyze issues from multiple viewpoints, and imagine how our world might be different? Our theme for the summer class is Healing and the Humanities.

When: Tuesdays, 5:00-6:30pm PDT, in-person class, masks required indoors
Dates: October 4-November 8 2022
Final Presentation: (TBA)
Where: Edendale Branch Library, 2011 Sunset Blvd., LA, 90026

The workshop is free. All supplies are provided by Humanities in the City.

Instructors: Elizabeth Crawford (Ramón C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts), Andrea Quaid (Bard College and California Institute of the Arts)
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