Lunenburg Middle/High School Athletic Fee Waiver Application
All participants who feel they qualify must complete the following application prior to sign ups for each season. The sign up schedule is as follows: Fall - 2nd week of June, Winter - 2nd week of November and Spring - 2nd week of March. All sign up dates will be posted in the school and on the website.

When you complete this form and click submit, the application will be sent the Office of the Principal for approval. Once your application has been processed the bottom portion will be sent to the Athletic Office and you will be notified by email if your application was approved or denied.
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Email of parent/guardian submitting form *
A receipt will be automatically sent to this email address upon submission
First Name of Student *
Last Name of Student *
Sports Team *
Grade *
Season *
I would like to apply for an Athletic Fee waiver. I feel that I qualify for this waiver for the following reasons (check all that apply):
If OTHER is checked above, please explain:
*By typing your full name in the field below, you are acknowledging your acceptance of the Lunenburg Middle/High School Athletic Fee Waiver Form - Lunenburg Public Schools for the child listed on this form
I, [type your full name below], legal guardian of the student named on this form, acknowledge acceptance of the Lunenburg Middle/High School Athletic Fee Waiver Form - Lunenburg Public Schools for the child listed on this form *
Today's Date *
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