UNA Sacramento - Join Volunteer Committees With Us!
Thank you for your interest in joining/volunteering/signing up for a committee with the United Nations Association of the United States of America, Sacramento Chapter (UNA Sacramento). We are a 100% volunteer run, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to promote the United Nations' vision, mission, and values within the Greater Sacramento Community.

Please fill out this form so we may get to know you and place you in a committee that will best suit your interests. Your information is confidential, and we will contact you within 24-48 hours after your submission. You may also email info@unasacramento.org to ensure that we received your inquiry. We look forward to working with you on making this world a better place one volunteer at a time:)
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Phone Number (optional)
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What is your age? *
What type of UNA Membership do you have? *
What do you hope to get out of volunteering with UNA Sacramento? *
0 points
Please list any additional background info and interests you have that will help us select a position/project opportunity that is best suited for you. *
1 point
How did you hear about UNA-USA/UNA Sacramento? *
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Would you like us to add you to our monthly Newsletter listserv? *
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