Volunteer Sign-Up Form
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Adresse e-mail *
Phone Number *
Preferred First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
What is your typical volunteer availability? Please mark all that apply. *
What would be your preferred task? (Please note, tasks are first come, first serve basis. Preferred task is not guaranteed.) Please mark all that apply.  *
I hereby knowingly and freely assume all risks, whether known or unknown, associated with attending and participating in a
volunteer event and any related social events (including, but not limited to, risks related to the spread of COVID-19 or
other contagious diseases) and agree to indemnify and hold Stonewall Sports, Inc. and its local affiliate chapters and their directors,
officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives, sponsors, and participants, harmless from any and all
liabilities, claims, demands, costs and damages (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to my attendance or participation
in a Stonewall Sports activity.
I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, assigns, executors, personal representatives, and administrators, hereby release, waive,
discharge, and covenant not to sue Stonewall Sports, Inc. and its local affiliate chapters and their directors, officers, employees,
independent contractors, agents, representatives, sponsors, and other participants for any loss or damage and any claims or
demands arising out of or related to my attendance at or participation in any Stonewall Sports activity, including, but not limited to
property damage or loss, injury, permanent disability, illness, or death.
I understand and agree that this assumption of risk and release includes any claims or demands based on the actions, omissions, or
negligence of Stonewall Sports, Inc. and its local affiliate chapters and their directors, officers, employees, independent contractors,
agents, representatives, sponsors, and other participants.

Would you like to be added to the Monthly Newsletter email list? *
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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