24-25 Cheer Tryout Sign-up
If you are interested in trying out for the 2024-2025 Cheer Squad, please fill out the following form.  Thank you!  

There will be two parent meetings prior to tryouts.  You and a parent MUST ATTEND one of these meetings - February 27th or February 29th.  

Cheer tryout week will be the first week of March.  March 4th-8th

If you make the squad there is a mandatory cheerleading camp dates will be announced ASAP.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email: *
Name: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Current Grade: *
Parent Email: *
Parent Phone Number: *
Teacher recommendations are required and will be part of your tryout score.  Please list three teachers that you would like to fill out a teacher recommendation form for you.  These will be emailed directly to the teachers.   *
I agree to attend a mandatory parent meeting before tryouts, either on February 27th or February 29th. *
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