The Collective Center

TCC Special Note:

While we are thrilled that you chose The Collective Center to host your event, we want to take this opportunity to share our views on the intended use of TCC. There are two (2) types of events hosted: High-End Celebrations and Exhibition type of events. The Collective Center strives to host events and special occasions of high standards, moral character, while adhering to a Sunday's best dress code. This includes no jeans, sagging pants, sneakers, attire with writing on the back, or other clothing viewed as inappropriate. Guests must not create a public nuisance by gathering and remaining outside. Exhibitions must adhere to similar criteria, except the dress code is general public attire. TCC must review information sent to invitees before final approval is confirmed. Please select your event type below to attest and confirm compliance with the terms and conditions set forth.
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Special Celebration Event
Exhibition and/or Vendor Event
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